My ‘Year in Review’ attempt

So I was thinking about what I should write about this week and since all that keeps popping up in my newsfeed on Facebook are ‘End of the Year’ lists I figured I’d hop on the bandwagon today and reflect on the year 2015.

Initially I wanted to do something different, I wanted to write a fake interview between me and somebody who was born in the year 2015 who would be wondering what it was like to live in the year he or she was born. But I soon realized that I wouldn’t be able to work around the toughest question you would face when writing a ‘Year in Review’ list… Where do you start? I mean I could just make a list beginning in January but first of all; this isn’t fucking Wikipedia and second of all; that would be way to straight forward seeing as I’m already riding a very crowded bandwagon.

2015 was a crazy year, let’s be honest. You might look back at this year and think about the time our freedom of speech was attacked by extremists, or the time that our actual freedom was attacked in quite a similar manner last November. You might have been scared for a few days when walking through crowded places, paranoid about an attack in the city you love. You might look at how the entire world wasn’t responding to the cries for help which could be heard on the shores of the Mediterranean sea until a dead little boy popped up in our newsfeed, one picture which kick started society into action. You might try to burry your face in the palm of your hand when you think about how ‘classy’ Dutch locals reacted to the announcement of refugee shelters in their town.  Seriously people from Purmerend, you complain about how people from Amsterdam look down on you and call you dumb hillbillies, then you go off to fucking riot in protest of a refugee shelter kind of like a dumb hillbilly would do. The stereotypical behavior is cringe worthy  to say the least.

Remember how close we came to WWIII? How suddenly the US started to flex their muscles to intimidate Russia? And how Putin responded by doing pretty much the same thing! Well we dodged the bullet this year but I’m sure there will be more shells flying past our ears next year as the world doesn’t seem to attempt to deescalate this global tension between religious groups, social groups and last but not least these weird political issues which seem to captivate the media.
It would be great if Obama and Putin squashed their beef like Drake and Meek Mill did, oh I almost forgot. R.I.P Meek Mill, may his soul find the rest it deserves after Drake opened that musical can of ass-whooping upon him.

I’ve gone way past my 15 minute limitation on this one so let me leave you with this final paragraph. For me personally it was a year of ups and downs, for many people around me as well. But I look towards this year with confidence and motivation. I’ve learned  a lot this year but most importantly I learned to cherish and appreciate life. All aspects of life, because whether you like it or not, life is short. So just relax and embrace the moment, we live in a time where yesterdays’ male Olympic-medalist is tomorrows woman of the year. A time where a famous businessman can morph into a racist presidential candidate while Yale-students point out every ‘micro aggression’ which leaves your lips. Where in the name of political correctness a new word was born to declare you are comfortable in the body you were born in. Oh man I could go on and on but really, let’s just close the book on 2015 and welcome 2016.

Whomever may be reading this, I wish you a happy and healthy 2016.

Let’s all raise our glass to this insane world and the crazy future.

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