
Credibility is everything if you want to be taken serious in any type of situation you might find yourself in.  Just ask a journalist what it would do to his career if he cited fake sources in his article. Or a politician if he were to knowingly withhold important information from the public. I know I’m stating the obvious right now but the thing is, we take things for granted when it comes to consuming information and media.

And that’s not a weird thing because you assume those people take their job seriously enough to put some effort in and 90%  do so. It’s the 10% that doesn’t which pisses me off. If you’re in a position where you are a voice for the masses, or a voice that aims to reach and inform the public please have the decency to get your facts straight and provide an unbiased and just image of events.

For instance the current refugee crisis which is holding Europe in its grasp… Or is it? Is it a real problem in Europe? Because if you think so why don’t you take a look at what’s happening in Lebanon or Jordan. Those countries are being flooded with refugees, over a million people have fled the war between a dictator and a group of homicidal sociopaths and taken ‘shelter’ in Lebanon, a country where now every 1 in 5 inhabitants is a refugee fleeing said war. I added quotation marks to the word shelter because they are currently living in tents and to quote Ned Stark: Winter is coming…

It is the Syria’s neighbors that have taken the hardest hits when it comes to providing safety from the sadistic lunatics I mentioned earlier and yet here we are acting as if our fictional European gate is about to come crashing down. Yet I see not nearly enough media coverage of the actual crisis Syria’s neighbors are facing. I see no politicians debating financial aid for those countries and I have yet seen a world leader that has the balls to remind Saudi Arabia and other wealthy middle eastern countries that this is also their problem. You know, since we are ALL human beings and ALL OF US share this lovely little planet orbiting the sun.

However it is best if all of us remain in our little bubble thinking we are facing a crisis since that way the media gets a surge in their ratings (you don’t want strangers living in your backyard do you??) and the politicians don’t have to bother those who have control over the oil and thus our energy supply. Oh what a wonderful world.

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